Easton Knee Saver II

By far and away this is the best version I was involved with creating. It fits even better than the original. It stays put, it is really comfortable and it doesn’t wobble. More importantly it is has depth or width to take more pressure off the joint. Unfortunately, it looks like it has been discontinued by Easton. What a mistake. If anyone has more information on why this happened please contact me. I would recommend you find these anywhere you can and buy them!!
Easton Knee Saver

This is the original that I created back in 1991. It still works fine and it is cheap to make. We had to refine this so that it was more comfortable and wouldn’t wobble. One way to do this is the Knee Saver II. The other way was to make it three-sided which has less depth and doesn’t work as well in taking pressure of the knee
All-Star Knee S’ports

All the three-sided Knee Saver knock-offs are like this one. The reason I made mine four-sided was due it giving more lift so that product can actually do it’s job of taking pressure off the joint. See the RESEARCH PAGE.